Productivity Advocates

Diagnosing lack of productivity

Loss of productivity can cost corporations thousands to millions of dollars annually, with disengaged employees contributing to a global loss of $8.8 trillion. Productivity Advocates specializes in diagnosing and improving work environments to boost productivity across all levels of an organization. By focusing on both leaders and employees, they implement strategies to enhance workplace productivity effectively.

Key Drivers:

•Trust & Security

At Productivity Advocates, we focus on enhancing these drivers to foster a productive workplace environment.

Why Diagnosing Productivity Matters

Many workplaces suffer from unmet expectations and miscommunication. Leaders and employees alike may feel unappreciated, which hinders productivity. By assessing these areas, we identify and resolve barriers to performance.

Key Areas of Focus

  1. Communication
    Clear communication is essential to avoid unmet expectations between leaders and employees. Open, positive dialogue builds appreciation on both sides, fostering a more collaborative atmosphere.

  2. Organization
    Well-defined roles and responsibilities help the workplace function smoothly, like a finely tuned machine. When everyone is aware of their duties, accountability increases, driving the organization forward.

  3. Trust & Security
    A secure environment allows employees and leaders to work without fear or anxiety. This trust encourages creativity and efficiency, reducing stress-related productivity drops.

  4. Appreciation
    Regular recognition of efforts, whether from leaders to employees or vice versa, can significantly boost morale. This simple gesture fuels motivation and strengthens workplace bonds.

  5. Engagement
    Engaged employees focus on their current tasks without the distraction of juggling too many responsibilities. Leaders can set the stage for this by establishing clear boundaries and helping teams balance workloads effectively.

Our Process: The Diagnostic Assessment

We begin with a thorough assessment that includes surveys for both leaders and employees. These surveys evaluate communication, organization, workplace culture, and more. Much like diagnosing a car issue when the check engine light comes on, we identify productivity issues and offer solutions.

Our Approach

•Focus Areas:
•Workplace ergonomics
•Role clarity

We ensure that leaders and employees are in the right roles with realistic expectations. We also focus on maintaining a positive, secure environment where productivity can thrive.

Change Management

Sometimes an external perspective is needed to diagnose and implement the necessary changes. Our Productivity Advocates come in to provide that fresh outlook, helping organizations make meaningful shifts.


We guide leaders in fostering a mindset that overcomes barriers, creating a safe, secure environment where employees can use their full capacity to drive success.

Program Options

  1. Self-Learning Program (12 months):
    An online program with monthly lessons for self-guided learning.

  2. Group Training Program (12 months):
    Leaders from different organizations come together for curriculum-based learning and weekly group meetings.

  3. One-on-One Coaching (12 months):
    A personalized coaching program where we manage change implementation and work closely with leaders.

Benefits of Partnering

  • Increased production
  • Leadership development
  • Improved accountability
  • Enhanced customer service (internal & external)
  • Sales productivity
  • Better work-life balance
  • Scalability
  • Mental well-being in the workplace
  • A workplace employees want to return to

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