Productivity Advocates

Survey implementation

Many times leaders request surveys to help them figure out the issues they have in the organizations. There are many factors that contribute to the surveys not getting utilized. Leaders already have a lot of roles and responsibilities that take their time. This is one of our specialties. We take in account the survey. Interview leaders and employees and come up with an implementation plan to help the results from the survey to be implemented.

When a survey gets completed within an organization an interesting game happens, it’s called the blame game. It’s the Leader’s fault. It’s the Employees fault! Whose fault is it? In a business environment there is a variable that cant always be controlled, it’s called the human element! People are not perfect as much as they try, they still are human and make mistakes. Some people won’t admit that it was their fault, knowing they are human and make mistakes as well. This is where productivity Advocates come in. We don’t play the blame game. It does not do anyone any good to focus on the mistakes and keep those mistakes directing the future. We do want to learn from the past so we can make the shifts to the future to make the work environment a productive and positive one for leaders, employees and ultimately the organization’s customers. The key is to not focus on the negative of the past.

When a survey gets completed within an organization an interesting game happens, it’s called the blame game. It’s the Leader’s fault. It’s the Employees fault! Whose fault is it? In a business environment there is a variable that cant always be controlled, it’s called the human element! People are not perfect as much as they try, they still are human and make mistakes. Some people won’t admit that it was their fault, knowing they are human and make mistakes as well. This is where productivity Advocates come in. We don’t play the blame game. It does not do anyone any good to focus on the mistakes and keep those mistakes directing the future. We do want to learn from the past so we can make the shifts to the future to make the work environment a productive and positive one for leaders, employees and ultimately the organization’s customers. The key is to not focus on the negative of the past.

Premium Maintenance Plan

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Bright Maintenance Plan

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Basic Maintenance Plan

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Template Site Details

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Free Mobile App Estimate

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Free Website Estimate

[contact-form-7 id="7207" title="Dynamic New Site Estimate" new-exist="New" package="Website Development"]